
Group Account Purchase – Fair Housing Focus: Criminal History Screening and Disparate Impact

$39.00 / Seat

Learn how to balance fair housing compliance with criminal history screening policies to protect your property and company. Created by fair housing attorneys, this course provides insights into avoiding disparate impact claims while maintaining legal and effective screening practices.

This is a module of our Advanced Fair Housing course.

***This product is for the purchase of seats for employees/team members*** 

Name your group (Company Name – Course – Year). Choose the number of seats to add to this group.

Fair Housing Focus: Criminal History Screening and Disparate Impact – Protect Your Practices and Stay Compliant

Criminal history screening is a critical yet complex aspect of property management, often leading to questions about fairness and legality. This course, created by experienced fair housing attorneys, offers practical guidance to keep you up to date on the latest enforcement trends and to help you and your team navigate these challenges while avoiding disparate impact claims.

Key topics include:

  • Understanding Disparate Impact: Learn how policies might unintentionally discriminate and how to mitigate risks.
  • Creating Fair Screening Policies: Develop compliant and effective screening criteria that protects your community.
  • Balancing Compliance and Safety: Understand how to align fair housing requirements with your property’s safety needs.

Using real-world scenarios and best practices, this course is ideal for individuals and teams seeking to enhance their knowledge of criminal history screening in a fair housing context.

This course equips you to handle criminal history screening responsibly, legally, and effectively.

Recommended For: Property Managers, Property Owners, or Landlords

  • Available Languages – English
  • $39.00/Course
  • Course Time: 20 minutes
  • 10 Question Certification Exam
  • Certificate of Completion

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